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A brief review of Utopia

Utopia is an text-based browser MMORPG created by Mehul Patel. Utopia saw it's first beta release in 1996 and eventually it grew to over 150,000 players. With the advent of more graphic-intensive MMORPGs as World of Warcraft Utopia has seen a decline in popularity but maintains a large, passionate, and dedicated player base. Players are rulers of provinces. They must select both a race (Human, Faery, Dwarf, etc) and a personality (Sage, War Hero, Rogue, etc). Provinces are placed into Kingdoms of up to 25 Kingdom-mates. Players must learn to manage the military and economic needs of their provinces and may choose to specialize their role within the Kingdom. The most common and popular choices being Attacker and hybrid Thief/Mage (T/M). Players must work together with their Kingdom-mates to decided upon goals (growth, honor, warring, or none at all) and exercise teamwork and cooperation to succeed (and even win!), just as in any other team oriented game. After coming under new management in 2008 a player-trading feature was introduced, which allows friends to play together with easy and for Kingdoms to fill empty position or recruit experience players for guidance. Because of it's age Utopia has numerous 3rd party tools and browser add-ons to assist players both new and old, and the community is a treasure trove of game knowledge for new comers and experienced players alike.

Written by Anonymous on November 21, 2013.