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Gaming News
Merchant Empires: Price of Power Passes 5,000.

Ottawa, Canada – November 3rd, 2005 – Merchant Empires (http://www.advancedpowers.com), the leading purely browser based massively multiplayer role playing and strategy game announced that the current round “The Price of Power”, has surpassed 5000 players. This marks the fifth straight round that Merchant Empires has exceeded the 5000 player mark, and with hundreds of new sign-ups each week the number of active players is sure to keep on rising.

Merchant Empires is a free, browser based multi-player game of space exploration, trade and combat. Choose from one of five detailed races—the warrior Mawlor, the merchant K.E.A., the scientist Paragon, the secretive Xollian, or the insectoid Zyck’lirg. Explore a vast galaxy, with hundreds of star systems and thousands of planets. Build a base of operations; buy and sell over fifty different types of goods to create and control trade routes; establish a centre for scientific and weapons research. Pilot one of over one hundred ships in fleet warfare; co-ordinate attacks on rival bases; mine up space lanes; or prowl through deep space on the hunt for enemy warships. Play alone, or in alliances with hundreds of other players. Be a trader, or a warrior. Build up your own small area, or be an empire-builder. Be a lone wolf, or be a Fleet Commander. Be the scum of the universe or a hero of the Empire…the Merchant Empires universe has it all.

Merchant Empires was voted Game of the Month on MPOGD.com for January 2005, is a Premium Game and multiple time Top Game winner on OMGN.com and is perennially in the Top-10 ranking of online game as voted by gamers on TOPRPGames.com.

Merchant Empires is a production of Advanced Powers the online entertainment division of Forest Star Networks (http://www.foreststar.net) a multinational hosting service provider covering Europe and North America.

Merchant Empires: The Price of Power. Are you willing to pay the Price of Power?

Posted by Directory of Games on November 06.

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