Directory Name: Apex Web Gaming
Description: Large online game community that features web game rankings, reviews, news, contests/giveaways, forums, blogs, etc.
URL: http://apexwebgaming.com
Game Submission URL: http://apexwebgaming.com/submit.php
Submission Restrictions: No adult games or forum based games.
Website Statistics
Years of Operation: 3
Target Audience: All ages.
Yearly Impressions: 25,000,000+
Yearly Clicks on Advertisements: N/A
Yearly Outclicks Through Game Details: 700,000+
Yearly Unique Visitors: 7,000,000+
Advertisement Information
Advertisement Sizes: 468x60, 120x120, 120x230, 728x90, 125x600, 200x600, 640x350, 420x100
Pricing Chart If Available: View Chart
Other Information
Have a Forum?: Yes
Game News Listed: Yes
Game Reviews: Yes
Contests/Giveaways: Yes
Voting Terms: Weekly