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Gaming News
Mogloween starts soon at www.battleon.com!

It’s time once again for Mogloween at www.battleon.com! Mogloween is the Moglin celebration that lasts for one week. The updated Pumpkin Armor, Pumpkin Blade and Pumpkin shield will be available for players at the start of Mogloween. There will be adventuring for candy for players as well.

A Great Darkness is coming. Not friends, but not really enemies, the Vampires and Werewolves have squabbled in secret for centuries. Now, they are tired of secrecy and are bringing their quarrels out into the open. The Vampires and Werewolves are going to war against each other, and the entire world will be caught up in it! Players will be forced to choose sides during the war, but only one side will win! Who will it be? Will Safiria the Vampire Queen bring her vampires and their minions to victory? Or will the Great Werewolf King and his werecreatures beat the vampires into submission? It’s up to the players to decide!

We are also celebrating two years of Adventure Quest. To help us with our celebration, we are releasing our first fully functional class: The Dragon Slayer! The Dragon Slayer class has ten levels and each brings a new power or enhancement with it.

Level one is Dragon Strike. This attack is an all out slash attack that does double damage to dragons, drakels, and lizards. It also does 1.2 damage to normal monsters. It has a minimal mp cost and you get this at the very first level.

Level two is Dragon Fire. This allows you to have a burst of dragon fire from your fingertips. It does your level +4 damage to monsters. It has a higher cost of 50 mana.

Level three is the Aimed Fang Strike. This technique gives you a bonus of +100 to hit against dragon kind, and +15 against normal monsters. It is nearly unblockable! It has a minimal mana cost.

Level four is an enhancement level. This makes your armor tougher, with more resistances.

Level five is Freeze DragonKind. It is unresistable against dragons that don’t like the cold. It costs slightly more than Dragon Fire, but is well worth the cost.

Level six is Poison Dragon. This is a particularly nasty attack that engulfs your dragon opponent in a cloud of poison that will last for twelve rounds and take 5% of the enemy’s hit points per turn. It does occupy a guest spot and it does use about 100 mana.

Level seven is Dragon’s Blood. This lets you strike the dragon-kind opponent and steal 50% of the damage you deal to increase your health. It costs only 55 mana and it is very effective!

Level eight is Summon Draykwing. This allows you to summon the loyal Draykwing to fight with you as a guest. His fiery breath is so potent it will even hurt a fire dragon. You cast the spell a second time to release him. He has a minimal cost.

Level nine is another armor increase.

Level ten is Call Forth the Fire Dragon. This allows you to summon on command a Fire Dragon, much like the Guardian Dragon, and unleash fiery terror upon your enemies. It does 33% Damage with a minimum of 100 points at no cost.

This armor sets a new standard for Adventure Quest, as all other levelable classes that are forthcoming will be held to this standard. Thanks to Safiria, Adventure Quest's newest staff member, we have an awesome display of screenshots from the game available here http://guardians.tenebras.net/modules.php?set_albumName=album13&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php!

Posted by smbdoll on October 22.

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