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Gaming News
Funcom, Eidos and GameSpot Reveal Unique Age of Conan PvP weekend

Funcom, Eidos and GameSpot Reveal Unique Age of Conan PvP weekend
- 15,000 gamers get exclusive Age of Conan access from April 18th to April 20th –

Durham, USA – April 9th, 2008 – Eidos and Funcom is proud to announce a unique Beta partnership with GameSpot.com, one of the world's biggest gaming websites. In a highly exclusive event, 15,000 gamers from across the world can log in and play Age of Conan, non-stop, from Friday April 18th to Sunday April 20th. The unique PvP weekend allows lucky gamers to test a limited part of the PvP functionality of Age of Conan, and the two different PvP mini-games Capture the Skull and Team Annihilation will be available.

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Posted by Erling Ellingsen on Apr 9.

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