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Gaming News
Archspace Exits Beta - Season Begins 4th December

Archspace Exits Beta - Season Begins 4th December. Don’t Miss Out!

November 30th, 2004. (http://archspace.org)- After years in development the globally popular web-based strategy game, Archspace, has finally exited its Beta-Testing Phase and officially become open to public as a complete and fully balanced game. The next season commences Friday, December 4th, 2004 at around 16:00 GMT.

Archspace, the follow-up and evolved version of the extremely popular and multiple-MPOGD-game-of-the-month award winning Archmage, provides an experience and level of indepth sci-fi gaming unlike any other.

Attracting close to 1200 players, Archspace is a steadily growing game, considered to be one of the fastest paced browser-based games around, where skill, strategy and team organization is critical, and yet you need not spend 24/7 at your computer to make it to the top.

To many who have played in past years, it may have seemed that an end to Archspace Beta-Testing would never arrive, however, the acquisition of Archspace by the more experienced, reliable and financially backed MindLock Security early this year, has seen vast and grand improvements to the game, while maintaining a philosophy of keeping the game free of charge to all.

Furthermore, upon announcing the conclusion of Beta-Testing just over a week ago, the development team, have issued a list of guarantees to its community which include:

Faster/more stable game.
Layout improvements.
New forum (MindBB v2.0).
Server side IRC Client so that everyone can get on irc at any time from any place.
Balanced races.
A new system to prevent quick death and super councils
New IRC Server: irc.archspace.org port 6666.
Frequent updates: we will post more news to keep player up to date.
Many other small updates that will improve gameplay and stability.

A major concern of the development team has been the safeguarding of newcomers to Archspace, through various mechanisms within the game. The aforementioned system preventing against quick deaths is primarily aimed at helping new players to stay alive longer, in order to experience the game more, and get a feel for it before they attempt to enter into more advanced levels of warfare. Detailed gaming guides now exist in order to educate the new player keen on becoming a pro at the game. Furthermore, an irc channel has been set up solely for the purpose of answering questions by newbies who want advice on how to play the game from veterans. (#help on irc.archspace.org port: 6666).

If you have given this game a shot in the past and think you’ve seen it all, think again. After initially falling apart due to internal server problems, bad admininstration, and gameplay bugs, the Archspace project was taken over by Mindlock Security, who successfully addressed these issues, turning out a game which is polished and once more fit for mass multiplayer interaction.The Archspace development team of MindLock Security have been working overtime the last few months, tweaking game mechanics and adding a plethora of balancing modifications and new features which bring to you a game, that is now finally, at it’s very best.

Since next set will be 99% bug free and balanced, we want to have as many players as possible, so please tell everyone you can about Archspace before the set begins.

Guys, if you wish to join and take a look at this FREE' and exciting revamped game, go to (http://archspace.org). Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding the game, gameplay, or simply want to see what others have to say about it, go to irc.archspace.org on port 6666. On the 4th of December at 16:00 GMT, Be There! An intense gaming experience awaits...

Posted by Directory of Games on November 30.

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