New round of The Five Pillars
Bergen Norway, Wednesday 8th of December 2004
A new round is announced by The Five Pillars admin. This means that the Online Multiplayer Strategy Game will go into Havoc mode for 24 hours, deciding who will be memorized forever in the Hall of Fame. After this period, a new reset will start.
In The Five Pillar’s (T5P’s) Havoc period players will use all their resources fighting to the very last man (or woman) to have their names inscribed into the Hall of Fame. Commanding mighty units such as Abominations, Dreadnaughts, Lightbringers and Balrogs from each of the five alignments (Swamp, Plain, Forest, Mountain, Elemental), they will send forth their armies onto the battlefields to deal death and destruction to other glorious mages from across the globe, whilst casting spells to both improve the might of their own armies and weaken their foes.
The guildservers Fast and Normal will go into Havoc a mere half hour after each other. The changed Anarchy server will also enter Havoc mode, and everyone will be on his own, fighting his own battle, to become the One= Person to be the only one who is remembered as the winner of the Anarchy server. Fierce battles and smart strategy will decide who really is the best player.
Whilst competition will be fierce - especially among some of the guilds on
Fast and Normal - everyone has truly enjoyed this reset. With the coming end of the round, now is the perfect time for new players who are interested in Online Strategic Roleplaying Games to come along and join in on the fun and participate in the active and entertaining online community that surrounds the game. The community is player friendly and unlike other online games, where veterans horde knowledge to themselves, a friendly face is almost always available to answer questions of those new to the game.
The game is free to play and all are encouraged to come along and give it
a try:
The new server round will start Monday 20th of December.
Source: |
Posted by Olav Bringedal on December 08.
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